Thank you for this, just stumbled upon you looking for all things Chlorine Dioxide, not many writing about the Pogram propagandized on CD by governments worldwide. Stay free, then stay safe.

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You're welcome. You may also find this article of interest: https://arrowd.substack.com/p/enter-the-great-awakening-with-the

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Can’t donate. They’ll take all the $ in your bank account like they did to the Canadian truckers who protested. Figure out another way. PO Box or something!

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Go Fund Me betrayed the people. Give Send Go is dedicated to the people. If I can find a way I will let them know that some fear to send money.

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Yes, this stuff is incredible!

I read about them curing all of South America with MMS during the covid crisis there.

I purchased a six pack back in 2021.

Only one drawback.

They are not sure how long each bottle will last after it is made.

They say two years is all they can go by and after that they are not certain.

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I have used bottles way over 10 years old... and by this I mean long term stored bottles of Sodium Chlorite and its activator. It seems to activate just fine. If it should become weaker over time use more drops. Never take more drops than you can reasonably tolerate. I never found it to get weaker though... Although I think bottles of chlorine dioxide can easily get weaker over time because it is already activated and will continually off gas. I don't use it in that form myself. When I'm doing MMS I activate my doses for one day, making new batches each day. Pure chlorine dioxide can be made at home, therefore no need to store it for very long. People have to understand the difference between MMS and Chlorine Dioxide

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What I have is 22.4% sodium chlorite and 4% HCL Activator from Pure Living.

Probably the same thing you are referring to.

Good to see your statement because I was going to order more toward year end because the two years was up.

But not now.

It takes dedication to be a ble to take this on schedule and that is the only hard part of dosing.

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It is easiest if you mix up enough for your 8 doses a day (or how ever many doses you are intending) Put it in a glass bottle with enough water for a dose to be 1 or 2 ounces per dose. I use one ounce of water per dose as my preference but some people use 2 ounces water... 8 three drop doses for the day requires 24 drops activated in either 8 ounces or 16 ounces of water. I always use a small mouthful of apple juice after taking the dose. Langer's Organic Apple and Martenelli make apple juice with no added vitamin C

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