In light of the revelations of death and destruction from the mandated vaccines over the past two years people are starting to ask themselves and others how can we ever trust big pharma again. An honest and necessary question.
Part of the problem is that people should never have trusted big pharma. Those who track their activity know that their products and procedures have murdered hundreds of thousands, if not millions over the years and as a retired nurse myself, I’ve seen plenty. Their products are dangerous and often deadly. As Americans we have been programed to trust their ‘science’ and to trust the doctors that are literally trained by big pharma, mere drug producers and dealers.
Those who want to break away who are not in the know are now seeking alternatives. They are seeking people and methods that can be trusted.
Could this be a GREAT AWAKENING opportunity for humanity?
So often we see that those positions stated by the government through its agencies are not backed up with valid science. They allow drugs to be on the market that are not satisfactorily tested and often studies that prove them dangerous are hidden from view. You have to remember that the FDA and the CDC and those people involved in their operations are drug producers, have sat on big pharma boards, are heavily invested in big pharma stocks. The CDC actually holds patents to vaccines. They have vested interests in you not knowing the truth. They have lied about and damaged people who do speak the truth.
In one’s quest to find valid, safe and effective treatments I recommend that you seek your counsel through naturopathic doctors or MDs that are dedicated to alternative medicine. Most NDs are certified and well trained these days, coming out of 4 year post graduate schools, just like MDs. The down side to naturopaths is usually the cost. And as well, many alternative practitioners of medicine do not use insurance. If I had taken my treatment for Lyme from my ND it would have cost me over 10,000 dollars, which I didn’t have.
But if you are of an independent mind set there are other options.
With the advent of the internet and growing banks of knowledge it is possible to teach yourself many things. There are groups out there that can help you. For instance, when I got Lyme disease some years ago, I decided to avoid conventional medical pathways to seek my cure after I understood how unsuccessful antibiotic therapy could be. So, I did it on my own. I found lots of guidance. This article will show you how I approached my problem and found my cure. My independence in thought and self-determination saved my life. It can save your life too, regardless of what disease you may be dealing with. In this case I used Rife therapy but that is not the only alternative therapy that can cure chronic Lyme.
My Lyme Treatment Without Antibiotics
In this article I want to discuss one of the most profound healing remedies found on the planet. When I’m done you will have all the tools you need to investigate it and use it.
The first thing I want you to know about this product (which is very affordable and easy to access) is that the FDA hates it. They fear it. They make up lies about it. They arrest and imprison those who sell it and who dare to speak the truth of it at the same time. Does any of this behavior sound familiar in light of our current political climate?
At the onset of the Covid nightmare in 2020, the leading proponent of this product was arrested in Columbia, where he was working, at the behest of the USA. His two sons were also arrested. He sat there in jail until August 2022 when the USA had him extradited to the USA.
I don’t know what is happening on his case at this point. (Update - Grenon and his son’s were convicted. They will remain in prison for a while. I don’t know how long.)
They fear him and this product because it had the potential to knock flat the dangerous vaccines. They feared him regarding this product because if the people knew how effective it was that their whole big pharma empire could come tumbling down. This product cures Covid fast and it also prevents Covid infection and that also stands for the flu and any other contagious disease. This product is also effective against many cases diabetes and cancer. This product is available to you for under $30… and no. I do not sell it. I cannot take that risk. I prefer to educate you and to live long and healthy outside of the FDA and DOJ’s grips.
I’m going to provide to you plenty of links to prove my position.
In 2012 a study was done on this product in Uganda, Africa with the assistance of the local red cross. They tested it on people who had malaria. Malaria was confirmed via microscope identification of the parasite. All people cured within 24 to 36 hours of malaria, regardless of how long they had had malaria. When the study was completed the result were sent to the World Health Organization who promptly denied it and tried to discredit it. The International Red Cross said the study never happened, yet we have the study as it was being done on film. Here it is:
The WHO and the International Red Cross are criminal organizations who would prefer to see people dead from malaria that to give them what costs only pennies per dose. You should never ever trust these organizations. If they appear to be doing something good look for evidence that they are in some way profiting either economically or politically.
and this video which is another documentation of the same Malaria study:
Please note that the application protocols have changed including dosage amounts and frequency of applications since this study was done.
In this video you will hear Jim Humble tell first hand the story to Sacha Stone, of his finding of MMS. Jim is retired now.
So now you know that this product is called MMS or more recently known as Chlorine Dioxide
The basic chemistry of Chlorine Dioxide
Mark Grenon is the man that the DOJ took into custody out of Columbia. Mark has worked many long years, first next to Jim Humble and then independently when Jim more or less retired. He has made dozens of video testimonials with people who were very sick and got cured with Chlorine dioxide.
If you go to Bitchute video platform and search “MMS testimonials” you will find 191 different testimonials and meet Mark Grenon who did the interviewing in them. You will notice that Mark’s voice is rather sought. This is due to a MRSA infection he had in his throat that was not curing…. the infection that eventually lead him to Chlorine dioxide and brought to him his cure.
You can also find some older MMS testimonials here:
I use to have a blog called Health Salon which is no longer available. At that time, I received several testimonials regarding the use of chlorine dioxide for the use of kidney failure. People who used chlorine dioxide avoided having to go onto dialysis. I mention this here because kidney failure testimonials are hard to find, probably being that such patients are so in the grip of fear and control of big pharma and their white coat army.
Andreas Kalcker, a biophysicist, is the worlds leading scientific investigator of Chlorine Dioxide, the compound that can revolutionize the medical paradigm and take down corrupted big pharma. FORBIDDEN HEALTH ANDREAS KALCKER
Now on to some real medical evidence. Meet Dr Manuel Aparicio Alonso!
An Introduction: Interview with Dr. Manuel Aparicio Alonso about his use of The Universal Antidote for the treatment of Covid:
The following video offers much more information on the use of CDS for Covid and other diseases mentioned.
On Brighteon and you will have to connect the link so I don’t get knocked out on Facebook: https://www dot brighteon dot com/9ab7e239-bf6b-4df3-8296-548da7ea799f
I have been a reader of the work of Dr Sircus for a long time. He’s a remarkable alternative practitioner located in Peru but he never got behind MMS and really bad mouthed it a few times. Then he got Covid and this is what happened. He started out doing what we have come to know as the standard alternative treatments with Ivermectin and HCQ and all the supplements but he failed to get well and continued to get worse.
He started MMS and found his cure quickly.
Read his story here:
This is the ultimate video on Chlorine Dioxide otherwise known as MMS or CDS, the Universal Antidote. Keep this link.
Please view and share. It answers ALL THE QUESTIONS ABOUT Chlorine Dioxide which could have prevented all the death and injury we have seen. It pulls it all together. If anything good can come out of this plague we have been enduring it will be the GREAT AWAKENING of humanity to CD for medical treatments & putting big pharma in its place, maybe somewhere in prison?
At Odysee:
On Brighteon: https://www dot brighteon dot com/4c51ad62-fa0d-4ffe-b740-77a2ffb6351f
Blood sample - damaged by covid
Blood sample after one month of treatment with chlorine Dioxide
Dr Andreas Kalcher has been researching CD for quite a while. He was responsible for studies done in South America with CD and Covid which resulted in the Bolivian government in producing CD and distributing it to the people with great success.
Dr Klacher has prepared a site that expands on the protocols.
Using CD does have a learning curve but it’s not too difficult. There are several treatment protocols (protocol 1000, protocol 2000, 3000, 4000 etc) which are selected according to what kind of disease you are treating. The vast majority of common issues can be treated with protocol 1000. Protocol 2000 includes the use of DMSO to help the CD penetrate further into the body and may be required for cancer tumors, issues deep inside the bone.
Some people prefer to make CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) instead of MMS. The advantage is that it does not taste as bad and thats a real consideration for some people. On the other had some people say that MMS is more effective. I don’t know where the truth lies on that one. Here is a video to explain how to make CDS.
Treating Children with MMS
There is a way to make MMS syrup for children. Lets face it, MMS doesn’t taste to great and this helps. Do not be so concerned about the sugar. It’s more important to cure the disease without the use of drugs.
Training Manuals - PRINT ONE OF THESE OUT
Here are two PDF training manuals that you can download that will help you to learn how to use CD. You owe it to yourself to take responsibility and to understand what you are doing.
CD Health Recovery ~ Manual Find Protocols Here
Most people prefer to activate it with 4% HCL as it tastes better than citric acid.
Chlorine Dioxide the Universal Antidote
This link will get you to one of the newer DVDS on mms. MMS Protocols by Jim Humble - Bonus Material: How to Make an Injectable CDS Solution, with Andreas Kalcker;
Mark Grenon provided a means that he had tested to deal with vaccines that used Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO. He also spoke of having success with the mRNA shots, claiming the CD would dissolve graphene, spike proteins and even glyphosate. This could save your loved ones who have taken the shot. It also works for the plague and Long Haul Covid.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, MIT scientist discusses how CD detoxes Roundup
Who is Dr Seneff?
Dr Stephanie Seneff discusses how chlorine dioxide detoxes glyphosate (Roundup)
If you have reviewed all the testimonials on Bitchute for CD you now understand that it is a product that is curative to many other diseases beside Covid and respiratory illness.
On facebook there is a group if you think you need individual help: "The Truth About Chlorine Dioxide (& other solutions)"
If you want to promote The Great Awakening , if you want to shut down big pharma you will wake yourself up to this product and get busy! This is your path to become a sovereign being removed from direct governmental and pharma tyranny You have been given your assignment to bring freedom to the people.
Comments that insult or harass the author or other commentators or that contain foul language will be deleted.
He did not mention chlorine.. thats a fake news. He did say disinfectant. His second wife, Marly had lyme disease which she treated with ozone therapy, which was done by injection in a process called 10pass. Im sure he must know about it.
You can purchase this product and the activator at