What is happening in the middle east is the biggest event we will witness in our lifetimes.. and if you are still alive and a surviver of WWII I will still stand by my statement for everything that brought about WWII holds its roots in zionism.
There are many wonderful Jewish people in the world. Unfortunately their lineage and religion has been co-opted by a cabal that endeavors to rule the world and to depopulate it. It has been in the works for a long time. If you are a Jewish person of faith I implore you to stand up and sound the alarm for your people and for humanity.
Sorry folks.. this is going to be along post.. there is so much to reveal on the topic! Let’s start with the basics.
What is Zionism?
Dr Shiva presents to us a concise definition. Although much more can be said this is perfect for the novice who has not really taken the time to think this matter through and to be educated on the origins of this political movement:
Now lets briefly explore some of what the early founders of Zionism had to say about their political ideologies. Herzl was the founder of Zionism
Israeli false flags are not new. They have repeatedly slaughtered allies for political gain.
(6) The British government admits that – between 1946 and 1948 – it bombed 5 ships carrying Jews attempting to flee the Holocaust to seek safety in Palestine, set up a fake group called “Defenders of Arab Palestine”, and then had the psuedo-group falsely claim responsibility for the bombings (The Millinium Report)
The King David Hotel Bombing false flag by Zionists
The following link leads to my article on 911 that presents to you the evidence that Israel and US Neocons did 911. It was a treasonous assault on our republic that has lead to the murder of millions of innocents around the world. The evidence is overwhelming. Why did they do this? Maybe it has something to do with the invasion of Iraq by the US military that killed over 1 million Iraqi people and decimated their economic national power.. all for the development of “Greater Israel” in the future. The following article outlines the evidence in detail:
The Lavon Affair: How a false-flag operation led to war and the Israeli bomb
The Jews on TV said so? What does that mean?…. I will show you.
Most of the major news organizations are owned by zionists, as well as their reporters and TV talking heads.
What does Trump say about it?
Not only that, we have this:
All of the above people are either zionist Jews or are married to zionist Jews or where closely mentored by zionist Jews. Remember, you don’t have to be Jewish to be a zionist. Biden told us so.
Biden Administration
Click here: Tucker interviews Candace Owens
Now what is this about Zionists funding/promoting white Genocide?
It’s been going on for quite a while and it is people like Barbara Spectre and many others who facilitated the mass migrations out of Africa into the white nations of Europe in the last 10 years. These nations are now enduring massive crime and demoralization of their people through rape, murder and theft. But the real plan is for intermarriage of black and white to eliminate the white race.
The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography
My issue is not that people of color rise to power as merited but that the Cabal Jews are actively plotting and promoting the destruction of white people and white culture through social upheaval and mass migrations. Why do they do this? After all, they look white themselves to me! In actuality Jewish people have long promoted that they are not white but of the ‘Jewish race’.. some mystical magical DNA thread that makes them more privileged and better than any white person. Scientific evidence proves that this magical DNA strand is found in many people who are not Jewish, but merely white. The interbreeding of Jewish people with ‘white’ people has been going on for centuries and centuries. They intend to exterminate white people now by the mixing of blood with people of color, which of course will also annihilate may of the specific and incredible cultural gifts people of all colors bring to the world from the cultural back rounds or nations that they came from. In total this will create a defining line between them and the elite, which are white… the Jewish white.
What stake do the zionists have in the Covid Vaccine?
Now that we know that the vaccine was never tested properly, that vaccine injured study participants were dropped from the study and not reported about, that Pfizer tried to hide their work for 75 years but was forced to reveal it by a Judge, that the Pfizer papers revealed massive scientific and intellectual fraud and now that we are seeing 158,000 excess deaths in the USA not related to covid from Jan 2023 to Sept 2023 are we justified to look at exactly who perpetrated this upon the people of the world?
If you would like more detail of the Pfizer papers I recommend that you seek out Dr. Naomi Wolf’s reports on the Pfizer papers on Substack. She had a large task force behind her going through the papers, thousands of professionals from around the world, to reveal what was in the documents.
Under Trump the vaccine was developed. It was never mandated by the federal government and Trump always said that is should be individual personal choice if one takes it or not. He also mentioned other medicines that could be used but were systematically repressed from the people, like HCQ, that we now know that Fauci had written in a published paper would be effective against covid. HCQ got shoved into emergency stockpile and pharmacies across the nation, as well as physicians were prohibited from prescribing it for Covid.
Under Biden the mandates started rolling in across the nation and massive social pressure started to come out of the government, corporations, businesses and health institutions. People lost their jobs if they refused the jab. People were forced to relocate to find new work because they didn’t trust the science that was presented. Suicide went way up and we started to see people die from the vaccines.
Now, let’s look at the people behind the scenes of our covid fiasco.
Scroll to 28:00 to hear about Dr. Charles Lieber from Harvard, who will be sentenced on January 11th 2023 for espionage and who turns out to also be a specialist in nano technology.... he developed the ability to grow 'nano wires/structures' in the body that are what these blood clots are. Nano devices are what all the blood clots are about. Through Harvard he had joint labs with Wuhan. They are reactive with ultra high frequencies. (5G). These clots have been proven not to be blood clots. The vaccines are contaminated with nanotech. Maryam Henein reports: https://rumble.com/v1jf2l7-dr.-simone-gold-is-free-the-zelenko-report-episode-29-w-maryam-henein.html
To learn more about Dr. Lieber and his nano work go here: Chinese Agent Charles Lieber & His Virus Transmitters
and here: Why did a Chinese university hire Charles Lieber to do battery research?
Now check out Moderna and the Nanotechnology that Jab uses here. “Per the 2011 book publication, Quantum Confinement Effect, quantum dots are able to produce electromagnetic labels (i.e. Bluetooth addresses) inside the body and tag organs.”
Dr Charles Lieber is Jewish.
The Millennium Report has done an excellent job in connecting the dots between the Rothschilds, bioweapons development and Israel. I strongly suggest that you read the following article that I quoted from below.
“When we also discovered that indicted Harvard nano-science professor Charles M. Lieber is a director of the Weizmann Institute in Israel, and both Lord Rothschild and David Sarnoff, both members of the Pilgrims Society and Zionists, were also fellows in the Israeli bioscience Weizmann Institute, we felt compelled to pause and figure out what the founder of RCA and NBC had in common with Rothschild and Lieber biotechnology activities. We show below that the Rothschilds (head of the Zionist Cabal) are practically the only common thread in this story of the British Empire’s drive for permanent global control through a new corporatist-controlled Imperial British federalism with America inside the tent.”
Dr Charles Lieber served 6 months of house arrest for the his crimes. “Charles M. Lieber.(May 29, 2020)—The arrest of Harvard nano-scientist Charles M. Lieber for conspiring with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) raised alarm since it occurred just weeks before the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. Lieber researched and lectured often under contract to the Wuhan University of Technology.
In fact, Lieber is an honorary professor in at least seven Chinese universities in nanotubes, nanowires and nanopores. Lieber holds 65 U.S. patents on the subject, all owned by Harvard, and all funded by the U.S. government, namely NIH, NSF, C.I.A., US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, MITRE Corp, and DARPA.”
Now check this out: “Nano-particulate weapons. Nano-robots. Aerosolized.
Joe Allen- Dr. James Giordano -- DARPA/Georgetown neuroscientist -- engaging in boisterous speculation? Or letting the cat out of the bag?”
Reverse speech may be a new rabbit hole to you. It’s interesting and it may reveal a persons true motives and beliefs.
Transhumanist, Dr. James Giordano, Traitor to Humanity? A Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot
The Rothschilds - a Jewish Banking family and the people responsible for the acquisition of Palestine to create Israel though the Balfour document.
Atomic BombShell! Rothschild patented COVID-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017
Now let’s look at the World Economic Forum.
Klaus Schwab - Related to Rothschild. Is he Jewish? No definitive answer yet but Judaism is transferred though the mother so I’m going to assume so, in this case, the Jewish Cabal.
It's all becomig crystal clear to me the crazy web we are caught in. As an elder I've seen enough to know the truth of this infiltration but the following generations are clueless. Lord help them.
Well l'll say this. Aside from your false hope on Trump, you've put together quite a piece here. Most of these I've seen but this is good.