23 years ago now and still no justice. Can we ever trust anything our government ever says again?
Our Rights were annihilated
Above: This passport was found on the ground at the WTC site a day or two after the event. Even though the plane exploded in fire and careened through the total building, hot enough to melt steel, this amazing passport drifted down amongst millions of tons of debris to be found essentially unscathed on top of the rubble.
Link Below: CBS News, September 9, 2002:
"Two of the Sept. 11 hijackers who lived in San Diego in 2000 rented a room from a man who reportedly worked as an undercover FBI informant, highlighting the lack of cooperation by the nation's law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Newsweek magazine reports that Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi lived with a "tested" undercover "asset" who had been working closely with the FBI office in San Diego.
The magazine does not name the informant. The connection was discovered by congressional investigators,..."
But now, 18 years later, we DO know the name of that FBI Agent - and he has been deeply involved in a (not so) secret coup to bring down the President of the United States for three years.
This guy has been dirty since the word 'go'
Donald J Trump calls into a news station on the day of 911. Click on picture.
Above you will see that this is all the steel in the WTC building.. many want you to believe that only the outer shell had steel.
There were several vidoes of the ‘planes’ hitting the tower, but there was also a video that showed explosion with no plane hitting the tower… evidence that there were either holographic images projected or that the videos of the planes hitting the towers were fake. This is a very good report that also explains about plane parts being found in unbelievable locations https://www.facebook.com/offcircuitsec.9/videos/634168838636783
Here a well seasoned architect who’s speciality is high rise towers talks to us about free falling steel structures: https://www.facebook.com/reel/539614728975204
Some people question if there were planes at all. Some claim that the planes were the result of project Blue Beam, holographic images projected into the sky to deceive the people. There are recordings of the WTC explosion with no planes at all. I don’t know how long this fB link of a film of the WTC with no planes will be available: https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=634168838636783
THE LAST MAN OUT … story of the William Rodriguez, a WTC janitor that survived and witnessed/experienced the explosions in the sub-basements of the WTC. A remarkable story that reveals the lies!
The head of the DHS made sure that all the steel remnants were offshored to China as soon as he possibly could, forever eliminating evidence.
Above: 200 Vesey Street, formerly known as Three World Financial Center also known as American Express Tower, is the tallest of the four buildings in the World Financial Center complex. Here is a WTC beam that somehow got propelled into its side. What would propel a heavy beam like that out and into another building? This was a fire and a collapse right?
Above: Here is a mysterious series of photos.. Dr. Judy Woods says that energy weapons were used on the buildings. Above video: See a steel beam several stories long turn into dust.
To this day there are still people who still do not know that a third building fell. The FBI facility that was part of the WTC complex. Building 7 had a fire and a series of explosions. It was also owned by Silverstein, who ordered to ‘pull it’ through his own confession. To pull it is demolition talk for taking a building down. It takes many weeks to wire and load a building for demolition.
Controlled demolition at WTC Building 7 also: https://www.facebook.com/malea.estos/posts/pfbid0DRLK8uWv9qU6WHV6y9iPxi5QCjXkGbsxUki8wpQ9HHY2pkT53f66EtaZkFYvvqRil?notif_id=1691966224295237¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
Now let’s talk security
Is the Bush Security why this happened?
Above: Israeli “ art students” had rented space in the WTC. Images picked up off of the boxes tell us that they had boxes of fuses.
Video connects Israeli art Students to detonation fuses within the WTC as well as Dick Cheney and Haliburton. This video is very detailed and the government knew it all! Don’t miss it! https://odysee.com/@Anon:96/IMG_0933:d
Diving deeper into the 911 Israelis:
Emergency radio recordings of the discovery of this van still remain on youtube and other sites
Above: In fact several vans with explosives were found. About 90 Israelis were held in custody before Chertoff, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, released them after 80 days detention.
This video documents Israeli involvement in spying and 911 as reported by news agencies:
Scroll to 5 minutes to hear police talk about the truck with the mural on it as they find it on the day of 911. Most of the good recordings and reports about it have been scrubbed from the internet. https://odysee.com/@ConspiraciesFromCatholicPerpective:2/wq_911-Police-Radio:3
And here scroll to about 4:30 to hear about the Israeli Truck loaded with explosives that the police find: https://rumble.com/v230rk2-911-mossad-mural-van-nypd-radio-transmission.html
Below, the above Van was found on 911 near the George Washington bridge. It was loaded with explosives.
Reports of other explosions in the WTC: https://rumble.com/v230ybo-911-the-ultimate-con-by-lucas.html
Urban Moving Company was owned by Israeli Students.
Dominik Suter is currently on Twitter. https://twitter.com/DominikSuter
After they were released by Chertoff after being held for several months these guys went back to Israel and were featured on a TV show where they bragged about being there to film the WTC collapse. Video is on youtube.
FOIA Request Results in Release of ‘Dancing Israeli’ Photographs
The Corbett Report documents the dancing Israelis and the Israeli students who spoke on Israeli TV who said that they were in NYC to document the event. That video has now been scrubbed from the internet. At one point I found it easily on youtube. https://www.corbettreport.com/911-suspects-dancing-israelis/
Maybe the best video if you are short on time about the van, the dancing Israeli’s and the Israelis telling what happened to an Israeli TV station: https://rumble.com/v230oom-911-mossad-truck-bombs.html
Report from Rense: https://rense.com/general87/14_1.htm
Above: Zim is a company largely owned by Rothschild. It is the Rothschild family that was instrumental in the formation of Israel through the Balfour document.
Fortunately for Mr. Silverstein, he had a doctor's appointment that day and didn't go to work in the WTC
This Rense article gets into more detail: https://rense.com/general87/14_1.htm
Above: Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton was responsible for all the asbestos constructed into the WTC. They were going to be held liable. Today Cheney enjoys a lucrative business via Halliburton drilling for oil in the Golan Heights along with Rothschild.
Ariel Sharon was the Prime Minister of Israel during 911.
George Bush on 911 reading an upside down book to kids in a school
Painting of George Bush found in Epstein’s NYC mansion. Aside from allowing all of this to happen, his role was to wage war on Iraq for Israel to feed Israels attempt to take over the middle east.
The Greater Israel Plan and Maps were drawn back in the 1940’s.
Hear Larry Silverstein say to pull it: https://rumble.com/v2355ja-wtc-7-larry-silverstein-says-pull-it.html
See Building number 7 fall after the decision is made to ‘pull it’ . Please understand that it takes weeks to wire a building and load it with explosives to make this happen. https://rumble.com/v230xro-911-controlled-demolition-of-building-7..html
Rabbi Finkelstein gives his opinion. Astounding: https://rumble.com/v235928-larry-silversteins-911-insurance-scam-exposed-by-rabbi-abe-finkelstein.html
Above: Chertoff was the head of the Department of Homeland Security at the time of 911. He released all 90 Israeli suspects back to Israel 80 days after the event, including those driving the van with the painting of a plane crashing into the WTC that had explosives in it and the Dancing Israelis. This was largely covered up but it was reported in the news and then conveniently forgotten. Chertoff is a zionist.
Many people in congress and senate and other appointed positions hold dual citizenship with Israel. Where does their allegiance lie? Obviously enough with Israel to send them 11 million dollars a day. Dual citizens should not be permitted to hold elected or appointed offices.
Cynthia McKinney questions Donald Rumsfeld about missing trillions from pentagon. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pjuuRzV8xjHj/
Above: This is a photo of the initial hole in the pentagon before the roof collapsed after.. where's the plane?
Above: After the roof collapsed. But where’s the plane?
Above: Supposedly a giant airplane came across this field but managed not to take down one single lamppost
Above: Somehow a huge plane with a wide wingspan managed to fly into the pentagon but not take out one lamp post
Above: Where’s the plane?
So a whole airplane incinerated yet we have this?
Rabbi Dov Zakheim was Chief Financial Officer at the Pentagon during 9/11.
$2.3 trillion went missing from Pentagon books during Zakheim's reign as Comptroller. How much would it cost to pull off a false flag event as massive as 9/11?
Toasted and Rusted Cars
Here this car sits as it was found shortly after 911. Why is is rusted? See the car in the back round? Same with that one. Why are the other cars unscathed?
Above: Looks like a hell storm ripped though.. Wonder why those trees didn’t burn. How hot a fire to do this destruction? How come no burned people reported?
Toasted cars were found up to 1/2 mile away from the WTC.. how did that happen? No reports of burned people. Toasted cars found all over the place. Learn More About The Toasted Cars of 911 here in this report I put together over 10 years ago now: https://www.minds.com/AnonArrow/blog/the-toasted-cars-of-911-886239072454832128
Above: Of all these high rise buildings on fire from all over the world only the lousy architecture of the USA falls with minimal fire. Only 3 high rise buildings on the whole planet have ever collapsed “from fire”... all 3 in NYC on 911. Imagine that!
Who was on this plane? Obviously not people important enough to man an explosive weapons loaded van or to dance in the street as they photographed the event.
Above: a globalist... is there any dirtier word? He headed up the investigation and didn’t allow thousands of pages of evidence to be entered into record.
Below: Above: Many interesting things were found during the cleanup.. many things that cannot be explained. How did this bible page become adhered to this rock?
Major neocon players at the time - there were many others. ALL ZIONISTS - not good Talmudic Jews who have repeatedly protested the formation of Israel... these men are elite globalists bent on world domination with Israel as its center. Every single one of these people are zionists.
Their motto
And the Saga Continues..... oh but wait! ... one last tidbit of a short video to bring a bit more perspective:
How many firefighters and police officers died from this event? Pray for them and their families, even today over 20 years later. Pray we someday deal with this atrocity fomenting out of the bowels of our government. These men know and have been living with the deceit and lies from our corrupted government for many years. Will they ever have justice?
This woman, a whistleblower, was arrested under the patriot act.
Please consider using this article as a teaching tool to educate your children about 911.
Thank you to the many people who helped to make this report possible, storing information as it is being swept from the internet.
No, we will never be free and we will never be safe.
Amazing collection, more than I remember seeing at the time. Learned a few things too about the van and Mossad. Its important not to forget because of the way it changed America forever. Thanks for putting this together.