Cancer rates have skyrocketed worldwide since the covid vaccines.

We are talking 800% increase( according to doctors who responded to unofficial survey) and stage 4 out of nowhere.

These aggressive Cancers are almost predominantly with covid vaccinated people.

Autoimmune diseases as well.

I am curious to see how this would work against these post covid vaccine cancers?

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If I figure it out I will let you know. The problem is, is that once people get a diagnosis its almost too late for them to research and find an alternative cancer treatment. We cannot know how these alt treatments work for jab induced cancer until enough people try the protocols. I'm feeling quite optimistic about the Salicinium treatment based on how it attacks the cancer cell.

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I did not get vax’d and developed it out of the blue

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Same here, unvaxxed and two different cancers out of the blue.

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I searched on Amazon, but the only result was "selenium".

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As far as I know you have to get it from a doctor, most likely a naturopath

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Salicinium is doctor prescribed

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I downloaded a document explaining Salicinium, as a PDF document and Adobe now has an AI tool you can use to ask specific questions. I just asked for a summary of the document suitable for a lay person and this is what I got.

"Salicinium is a complex molecule that targets and destroys cancer cells. ​ It works by disrupting the fermentation process in these cells, which is different from the normal respiration process in healthy cells. ​ Salicinium attaches to a coenzyme called NAD+ in the cancer cells, stopping the fermentation process and causing the cells to die. ​ It does not affect normal healthy cells because they do not have the specific enzyme that Salicinium targets. ​ Salicinium can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. ​ It is important to avoid oxidative therapies and strong antioxidants while taking Salicinium, as they can interfere with its effectiveness. ​ Salicinium is delivered to the cancer cells through the bloodstream. ​ Overall, Salicinium helps the immune system destroy cancer cells and has no side effects. "

I am liking the look of this because it does not need to be part of a protocol. Nor does it need full time sugar starvation to work, given that its mechanism is that it is a sugar that is grabbed by the cancer cell, and once inside the cancer cell the poison is released that kills the cell. Have you done any more research on this?

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One thing I am really struggling with, in relation to my research on cancer, is how all the published research seems to be being done in silos that do not see or recognise one another, let alone find the parallels between their research. I read that Nagalese hides the cancer from aspects of the immune system so that the immune system is switched off. So does biofilm. The biofilm wraps up the pathogens and cancer cells so taht they are invisible to the immune system and impenetrable by the treatments. But nowhere can if find what Nagalese and biofilm have to do with one another. The components of biofilm seem to be a mish mash of anything sticky that can be used to create and outer shell plus something that solidifies it. The same sort of thing seems to be being said about Nagalese.

Is Nagalese a component of biofilm. If it is then perhaps any biofilm disruptor can be used to break it down and remove it, not just Salicinium.

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I did NOT cure my cancer with this protocol I am experiencing tremendous success with it though. Thanks for sharing my story here!

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