I am going to have to re-read this a few times to see what else I can learn from it.

3 months back I decided to use this protocol myself. I got this information from the Facebook group and seriously struggled to interpret it into a protocol I could follow, so I wrote this article - mostly for my own benefit, documenting one only liposomal artemisinin protocol. I removed all the IF THEN statements that just confuse an already addled brain (if we need this to treat cancer, our brain is very likely to be addled) and got it down to something I am able to implement.


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Graydon came out with the Hail Mary Protocol which is easier to understand which just came to my attention last night. I have it stored in my facebook files in the group called Herbal and Alternative Medicine Uncensored.. come join us an post what you have. https://www.facebook.com/groups/310303546295962

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Just asked to join. I didn't know that Graydon was on Substack. I've just checked his Hail Mary protocol and in it he contradicts some of the things he says on the artemisinin protocol. I had a conversation with him about the carnivore diet and the fact that we apparently MUST have some sugar in our blood or we collapse below a certain level - hypoglycemia. I am apparently type 2 diabetic and I collapse if my blood sugar goes below 7mmol/L Eating protein does not help me recover. I can fast for a day and my sugar will go UP as long as I am fasting and come back down when I eat, so there really is something else going on with the sugar. I have to eat some carbs and type 1s know this when they overdose on insulin. So even if we are in ketosis, we will keep manufacturing or retrieving sugar from where we can find it to get it back into the blood.

I have my blood sugar managed with a low carb but not no carb diet and berberine, and with that in mind, I have decided to focus more on stopping the cancer cells from using the sugar, which I gather berberine and a few other supplements do.. Not that it is necessarily working as, whilst I have succeeded in not metastasizing, the original breast tumour has neither grown not shrunk, in two months of a fenben protocol followed by three months of artemisinin protocol.

I think it is time to go back on fenben/ivermectin, which I stopped because Australian customs kept intercepting my supplies of ivermectin and I could not sustain an ivermectin protocol.

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I use berberine also... I don't have diabetes but sometimes my BS gets so low on this paleo diet Im about keeling over. at which point I go eat some nuts and on cracker then Im ok. Sometimes tumors die from the inside out and they show up in scans because they have not dissolved yet.. sometimes they never dissolve and if they are bothersome people. have the dead tumor removed. I will look for Graydon on substack.. he seems to have disappeared from facebook.

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...and if you were a diabetic checking your blood sugar levels you would know what your lower level cut-off is before you go into low blood sugar. You could also measure after you have eaten your nuts and cracker, and see how it has gone back up. In other words, there must be sugar in our blood, and if it is not coming from food, the body starts to steal it from places it has been stored to get the blood sugar levels back up to safe levels. That's how you lose weight if you are fat - the body takes it back from the fat stores, and when it runs out of fat, it takes it from the protein stores. Graydon told me that we can manufacture sugar from protein foods when all else fails - so this is all great news if you are using the carnivore diet to lose weight, but none of it gets your blood levels down below 4 mmol/L - so there is always sugar in the blood.

So if sugar in the blood is THE issue with cancer, then there must be other variables at play with under what conditions cancers can take up the sugar. No-one has convinced me yet that we have to go carnivore to defeat cancer. Plenty of people have recovered from cancer before the carnivore diet was invented. Low sugar consumption had always been recommended, but never zero carbs. I am managing my blood sugar with diet alone plus berberine, and I know how to keep my body in a range where, despite fibromyalgia and long covid I have enough energy to get by. I just cannot go down too low or I would stop functioning altogether.

Interesting about tumours dying from the inside, I had the PET done for two reasons, one to ensure there were no metastases - if there were, I would not bother to have the tumour excised. The other to see if there was any change in the lump after 5 months of treatment. I am wondering now if it is routine, once a lump is removed, to test it and find out if it is live or dead. The breast has never hurt, except for a few days just a few days ago, and i wondered at the time if that was it either growing or dying - certainly it was active where it had never been before. It's now gone back to sleep.

Well I will find out in a week.

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if a tumor is removed tell them you want it checked.. the only way you can know for sure.

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